
Showing posts from May, 2012

Secular Example of Sucessful Servant Leadership


Jesus' Servant Leadership

Hello all you faithful God Followers ... I have taken a while off posting to fulfill my role as called by the Lord to study and teach servant leadership. Below is an interesting example of an article I've found on the subject ... enjoy! The King Who Led with a Towel – Jesus’ Servant Leadership Role Model by Rick Sessoms and Colin Buckland on October 4, 2010 in Church Leadership , Organisational Leadership , Role Model , Servant Leader , SL The teachings and life style of Jesus are significant in the Christian’s life. He is the essential role model for how we seek to live out our lives. It’s interesting, therefore, that his model is often sadly neglected when it comes to aspects of church and organisational leadership. He was the prototype of Christian leadership. “The King Who Led with a Towel” is a three part article that examines Jesus’ leadership style and example. It is extracted from “ Culture Craft ” by Rick Sessoms and Colin Buckland and Rick’s original 2003 pape