
Showing posts from March, 2012

In Heaven we will meet again!


R.I.P. ... Mommy Chalin

My Grandmother - Mommy Chalin Nicole, Chalin and my dad Last night I got "the call", you know that call that comes in the middle of the night to tell you someone is no longer with you. My grandmother passed away last night, as a believer herself I know with the confidence in me from the Holy Spirit that she is seated on high in heavenly places with mansions  and  streets paved of gold, the Glory of God all around and songs of praise everywhere. Her trip seemed long going here on earth, she spent many years in a nursing home in bed and wheel chairs. This photo was from one of my visits to see her. I remember her sitting there and as she looked into my eyes, I could almost feel her struggle with the idea of leaving this earth and everything she knows in the physical, I prayed over her for healing and revelation of Gods Love and I could see the smile stretch across her face, as she asked me about my wife and kids and shared a story about how she remembered going up to P

Choose what you think about ... T.L. Osborne

Do you know who KONY is? Make it a point to watch this then!


God works through people - Dynamic Healthcare in Charlotte was the blessing I needed ... Thank you Dr. Mazal & Dr. Cox

The Bible and Birth Control

By Tim Challies I have been asked to write about the Christian position on birth control. This is something I have discussed in the past, but there are many ways to approach the topic and this time I would like to approach it from a bit of a different angle. I intend to share how I have gone about arriving at my own position. I will begin by immediately stating what the Bible clearly forbids when it comes to birth control. From there I will survey the Bible to find principles that are helpful in the discussion. That will take us to the end of this article, leaving me to say more another day. We begin here: The Bible is silent on any explicit discussion of the subject of birth control. (If you are wondering about Onan, feel free to scroll to the bottom of this article.) Nowhere in the Bible does God command that a couple must or should use birth control at any stage in their marriage. Likewise, nowhere in the Bible does God explicitly forbid the use of birth control. It’s not that bir